To obtain a DerMax distributor's contact information, click on a country below:
Austria Bermuda Caribbean Czech Republic Denmark Finland Germany Greece Italy Ireland Netherlands Poland Portugal Saudi Arabia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
Austria D.M.C. Diaco Medical Care Handels-G.m.b.H. Adolf Kolpinggasse 18/405 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria Tel. +43/664/4935261 Fax. +43/463/594847 diaco.mc@chello.at
Bermuda American Hospital Supply 106 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Tel. (407) 320-9901 Fax. (407) 320-9902 AHSWes@aol.com
Caribbean American Hospital Supply 106 Commerce Street, Suite 104 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Tel. (407) 320-9901 Fax. (407) 320-9902 AHSWes@aol.com
Finland Intracor Medical Oy Mervi Jannson Rajatorpantie 41 C 01640 Vantaa Finland Tel. +358 40 515 9544 Fax +358 9 654 2116 E-mail: aalto.jansson@kolumbus.fi
Italy GALPRO S.R.L Strada Solero 2 15044 Quargnento (AL) Italy Tel. +00 39 013 121 91 63 Fax. +00 39 013 151 90 17 galproal@tin.it
Netherlands Thewoundcarecompany bv P.O. Box 31 4850 AA Ulvenhout Tel: +00 31 (0) 76 5657469 Fax: +00 31 (0) 76 5652977 info@thewoundcarecompany.com
Portugal MediRëx Pharma Contact: Mr. Luis Reis Rua Carlos Calisto, 4-C 1400-043 Lisboa Tel: +351 213 014 472/3 Fax: +351 213 014 475 l.s.reis@netcabo.pt
Saudi Arabia MedEx Contact: Mr. Omar Al Aqeel Al Rayan Dist. 22 Omar Bin Saleem Street P.O. Box 261182 Riyadh 11342 Saudi Arabia Tel.: +966 1 2572020 - +966 1 2083446 Fax: +966 1 2084428
Slovenia Medinova d.o.o. Contact: Sonja Viršek Masarykova 17 1000 Ljubljana Tel, Fax,: +386 (0) 14329278 Tel. +386 (0) 14399390 Tel. +386 (0) 14399395 sonja.virsek@medinova.si
Switzerland DebriTec GmbH Daniel Holenweg Medizinalartikelhandel Juchstrasse 1 Postfach 777 CH 8604 Hegnau-Volketswil Tel. +41 43 444 97 57 Fax. +41 43 444 97 59 debritec@bluewin.ch debritec.ch
Turkey Ahmet Sanli Medical Inc. Ceyhun Atif Kansu Caddesi Gozde Is Merkezi No: 130 / 41-42-44 Ankara Turkey Tel.: +90 312 4734155 Fax.: +90 312 4734156 info@ahmetsanlimedikal.com
United Arab Emirates Centramed Pharma and Paramedical Department Dubai Airport Free Zone Dubai WB9-D2 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971-4-2997858 Fax: +971-4-2997058 Mustafa_algindy@centrameds.com
United Kingdom CliniMed Nigel Piercey Cavell House Knaves Beech Way Loudwater, Bucks HP10 9QY Tel. +44 1628 8501 00 Fax. +44 1628 850055 http://www.clinimed.co.uk/